How To Unblock A Drain: DIY Tips

If you need to unblock a shower drain or kitchen sink, these DIY drain unblocking methods can help. For stubborn or recurring blockages it might be time to call in a plumber such as these Melbourne blocked drain experts.

1. Coat hanger

If you put your fingers down the drain hole and can pull out all sorts of hair and smelly gunk, then rest assured there is more beneath the surface – and that could be the source of the blockage.

Get a coat hanger and straighten it out of shape, effectively creating a hook at one end. And then go fishing down the drain! You’ll be amazed how much ‘stuff’ you’ll pull out of the drain, but just be careful you don’t accidentally compact a blockage and make it worse.

And if you want to step it up a notch from the coat hanger, head to your hardware store and browse the shelves for commercial drain unclogging tools such as drain snakes.

2. Open the pipe

If you think the coat hanger just can’t reach that blockage, you could always try going one step further. For instance, for the U pipe beneath your kitchen or bathroom sink, it may not be difficult to simply undo the nuts with a plumber’s wrench – just be sure to put a big bucket underneath and make sure the water is turned off! Once removed, clear the blockage.


3. Baking soda

Routinely putting a handful of baking soda down the drains in combination with some really hot water works a treat when it comes to keeping those drains clear. And it can also be really effective for an unblocking mission.

To make it extra effective, mix that baking soda with some vinegar, then pour it down the drain and then let it sit in the blockage for an hour to do its magic.

4. caustic soda

If you think baking soda did half the job but your drain is still clogged, you could try something a bit harsher: caustic soda. Just be sure to protect your skin and your eyes.


There are plenty of DIY methods for unblocking a drain and some are more effective than others. If you’ve still got a problem, it’s time to call in professional plumbers. The best plumbers will give you peace of mind with specialised equipment such as CCTV drain cameras and water jetters to unblock a drain quickly and keep it that way!